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Date : 2015-01-26
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Marketing Standalone book 9780077729028 ~ Was assigned the book for my grad program and can honestly say the professor got this right The book discusses current market trends and real companies Its easy reading and colorful I have an undergrad in Marketing and this book refreshed my knowledge and introduced me to new methods in which marketing is performed today
Marketing Standalone book 9781259573545 ~ KerinHartleys Marketing 13th edition is the most robust Principles of Marketing solution available to meet the needs of a wide range of ng focuses on decision making through extended examples cases and videos involving real people making real marketing decisions The author teams decades of combined experience in the higher education classroom continue to inform the titles
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Marketing Standalone book by Roger A Kerin Steven W ~ Book Summary The title of this book is Marketing Standalone book and it was written by Roger A Kerin Steven W Hartley This particular edition is in a Hardcover format This books publish date is Feb 12 2016 and it has a suggested retail price of 7875 It was published by McGrawHill Education and has a total of 768 pages in the book
Marketing Standalone book by Dhruv Grewal Professor ~ Book Summary The title of this book is Marketing Standalone book and it was written by Dhruv Grewal Michael Levy Dhruv Grewal Professor This particular edition is in a Hardcover format This books publish date is Jan 26 2015 and it has a suggested retail price of 7626
Sell Buy or Rent Marketing Standalone book ~ Acknowledged authors Dhruv Grewal Michael Levy wrote Marketing Standalone book comprising 736 pages back in 2015 Textbook and eTextbook are published under ISBN 0077729021 and 9780077729028
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